November 29, 2007
November 26, 2007
Patrol Outing
date: 28 november 2007, wednesday
venue: meet at jurong east mrt at 10.30am
wear patrol tee and long pants cos its going to be cold.bring gloves if you have cos its compulsory to wear them.if you dont have they will provide there i think.
its $58.80 for 4 people and its every one bring at least $20 for the fees and lunch.
yepp so see you all on wednesday! yippee i cant wait!
November 16, 2007
danette =)
November 14, 2007
post postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost
postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost. woah. i am really going bonkers if this goes on. holidays are so so so boring. okay. im tired and i am going to SLEEEEP.
dont go crazy
October 20, 2007
yay i am posting! haha okay. oh!! PATROL OUTING DATE HAS TO BE CHANGED! :O cos of the pre-camp thingy which is on the 21-23 of november? this is so sad right! but on the bright side we'll need a another patrolmeeting to discuss the date again RIGHT? :D haha i know i am soo optimistic! (: yayness! oh yes, hols and coming in about 1 week!((: -but sec3s still have extra sad:( i reallyreally dont want to be sec3! so stressful okay. BUT danette says it's gonna be a loong time before i'm sec3, but this year passed so fast so i'm expecting next year to be the same. so GAH! i want to fly to neverland with peter and wendy and live there foreverandever! hee! :D if i go there i shall play all day! that would seriously be PARADISE!haha. oh and yesterday was seriouslyseriously RETARDED. i forgot to bring a plastic bag to store all the guidesstuff so nienping and i got a whoopingly gigantic box to store our stuff -.- ugh i bet we looked like retards carrying that oh-so-big box! :( but at least i will never forget to bring plastic bags from now on ((: hahaha. oh yesyes! the beginning of ysd's footdrill was really CONFUSING ! jolene (who is sec1 commander), went to command the sec2s/3s, and i heard her saying really loudly the skuad keke nan lut rus thing, so my head shifted up-and-right and my hand went90degrees to xiumin's shoulder BUT i noticed NO ONE else was moving!and to make sure, i turned to the left to check and rachel teo said, "no moving in squad!" so embarrassing right! :o then after that was street directory test, and they asked us to find the grid square and map no. of some places BUT i couldn't find two of the places!! erm they were CDANS club and and some tanjong pier!i spent nearly half the time looking through the index and still could not find it! but seems like loads of people couldn't find it, so yayyay! OH yay(haha) i passed knowing myself logbook!that shows i know myself well! ((: haha! ohoh and nienping! i have finished your testimonial! the first thing i did when i came home was to write the testimonial okay! so nice right? haha! wow i think this is the LONGEST post i have ever written-or typed- to date so YAY. so okay. i hope more people will postpostpost! I SHALL HAVE FAITH((:
October 13, 2007
October 9, 2007
Shermaine XD
October 2, 2007
anyway,sec3s are in the middle of exams..sec2s just started..and sec1s ALREADY FINISHED!!and seowshan borrowed my history notes to photocopy!PHOTOCOPY!!!my hard work just PHOTOCOPIED like annoying =/ nvm i shall just treat it as a good deed done to a retard.
so JIAYOU everyone!sec3s less than a week more!sec2s i dunno how long more but just jiayou anyway!i shalll go study chem now!bye!
August 17, 2007
it is finally my tuen to post! wheeee! haha nienping has said almost everything on her loong post! hur! anyway today we learnt the tiggi lanka thingy! very confusing! i need loads of time to process the malay words! ahah i should seriously practise!oh and we had to do that swinging-hands-without-marching thing again! very weird! lalalala and we didnt have any tests! phew! and i have realised nienping is disgusting. she actually went to peek under the cubicle's door ! she is a PEEPING TOM! and she got super scared and dashed out of the toilet! HAHA
damn funny! and she told beverly who also got scared and freaked out. and they were both screaming. haha. and st nicks has loads of ghost stories man. last time wanting brought me and rachel sim to see some statue near the basket ball courts and they both said that the man's eyes turned red and both started running to te forum! haha st nicks the freaky school! and i am going to the RI campfire tomorrow. anyone else going?i hope it will be fun! yay! ahah okay i think i have posted enough (: so byebye!!!!!!!
tabitha :D
Hello fellow erm some alive and dead sunflowers! Here I am again posting some stuff haha! Yeah and it’s the second time this week! Know why? Cos this week only got erm English and I think history? Yay right? Heh and I got a low A1 foe science! Haha! But I am happy! The highest in class was only 86 I thot would be much higher lahs! I got 77.5 big accomplishment! Cos I thot I would get like B or a stinky C? I got participation for USNW science! Whee! I must be sick lah! Overjoyed by the participation?! Something wrong! Ohya. And I realized something! I keep spilling SHERMAINE’S drink! Firstly, outing, I spill her soyabean or chrysanthemum or dunno what yellow can drink but I paid her back! And then secondly, I drop her water bottle and the water spill out! Ah! I am so super sorry! Ah! SORRY! I would like to apologise here sincerely to you although it doesn’t sounds so sincere! Okay! So I shall erm, do something to apologise! I will… I will….i will…apologise again? Or help you fill up your water bottle? Haha. Erm I am really sorry haha. Oh and btw, today they teach us the grub thing to help us refresh our memory. Oh then I was like the first timing I went O-N-E O-N-E O-N-E like slow then they say erm too slow must go faster and other stuff which I cant rmb like I think if the timer slow other people will be slow. Yeah. Then second time was faster! Improvement! Ha. Then there was one I timed too much. Cos its DUA I timed three times! Haha! For two times! Hoho. Stupid mistake lah! And I am very slow in moving. Cos I need some time to make sense of the commands! And Tabitha is so clever! She always bring a plastic bag during guides to put all our stuff inside to after drills we dun need to squeeze into the crowd to get our stuff, we just grab the bag and we went in to chop place for test! Ha! Oh and next week I am going to the science centre and I will be missing the test on road safety! L then today after drills me and tab went to the toilet and then she went in lah. I was outside waiting for her then beside the sea horse cubicle was this closed door cubicle and then form inside came no sound at all! So I got really scared lah and then Stephanie came in then I was a little bit relieved, at least there is someone I can see around! And then after Tabitha came out I asked her what was inside the toilet and then she say she dunno and when I bend down to look, I saw no legs! Then I got freaked and we ran away! Haha, then we went out and told the whole big chunk of story to Beverly and then Shakespeare asked what we are talking about then we told her and then she told us that some guides gather at one loyalty to study some guides test and then its like got nobody else around and then they heard this singing coming form the toilet and when they went to see there is no one around! So scary! And then Beverly was screaming like a mad cow! Okay now I am not going to that cubicle! And the teacher’s toilet beside diligence is creepy! Beverly says that once she and one of her friend went in there and then they heard this glass breaking sound and beverly quickly ran out. Then her friend was still inside then she scream like a mad woman! Ah! So scary! I didn’t know this school is that scary! I heard rumours about it but its like I heard there are ghosts in this school , then its like not scary until the people tell you about what they experienced! Haha. But quite fun lah! Haha. Yeah! Hehe. Okay I haven design my design for the patrol tee! As in what u all like? Haha. So okay. Hope to see more posts soon!
i'm here!!!!! (: (: (: i bet all of you missed me. (: so sweet! (: (: ahhhh....
i realized how DEAD my patrol was beside SUNFLOWER and it was partly siyun's fault and that horrible xinhui. >.<>.< sighhh...
Melissa went mad during footdrill today cause she had this laughing fit and kept on clapping for i dunno what. and then she made us do arm swings w/o marching(??!!) soo embarassing...
why sunflower blog so dead now?? i bet its coz you all miss me... haha lol... i;m crapping....
dew (O:
August 15, 2007
August 14, 2007
its been a looooong time since I posted..anyway,I’hve been BUSY!hee sec3 life is busybusybusy!esp cos of mrs tian.shes insane la(sorry to say)but the amount of lit work is sure jolene agrees!=D
anyway september holidays coming soon rite..but not much holiday to sec2s and 3s la.cos of the EOYs..LUCKY sec1s!!i miss my sec1 life..that was like sooo long ago.haha stay happy and smiley everyone!=D byebye!
impossible quiz
lets be alive okay? and i shall predict that danette will post after me hahah.(:
July 25, 2007
humph! i posted yesterday but it is not there! >:( haha nienping i'll be hyper with you! ((: HEE the sec1s have done part of the powerpoint! :D yay! but i think it is rather crappy. haha and i realised wanting is quite good with IT stuff. hmmm the discovery of an IT genius in our midst maybe? haha that sounds retarded. argh i have run out of stuff to say! ohya i'm going to watch othello tmr! haha i actually went to read up on that story and it is quite sad cos this pretty lady gets murdered my her black husband cos he thinks she is unfaithful to him!HAH, yay i'm sort of looking forward to it cos i dunno but i think it'll be fun :P hee WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?? well i just took up 3 lines! yay! well. i have really run out of stuff to say! buhbye then! :D
July 24, 2007
cheerios! and POST!
by bored, and no one to be hyper with person.
July 15, 2007
OKAY this blog is not dead anymore cos i am updating it! hurhur. i'm not suppose to do this cos i haven finish my homework but i got tired of the chinese essay so i came here, to post! hahah. but it is not on my to do list as i need to do homework! ha. hehe
so what shall i post? oh hmmm...hoho, i cant think of anything! erm, whens patrol meeting? oh and our patrol tees! when are we getting it? yea and we're going to the zoo next friday right?:D
okay i now demand someone to post! to liven up the blog!
ohya! i've created the imagestation thing! anyone went there to see? here's the link: go there yea?:D
July 1, 2007
June 22, 2007
June 19, 2007

June 18, 2007

June 17, 2007
Hello sunflowerers!!
The present was really sweet.THANK YOU : D
Still, this new patrols thing must be really saddening ya?
After all, the red batch were once the victims of it too.
But its all for good too.
I have to say
Liudi and mindy-Patrol leadering(i just invented a new word!) and commanding would not have been accomplished without you all. Really love and will miss times together :(
Danette- yes,i ve been hard on you sometimes.but yes,thats because i believe you can do it if you want to.thanks for all yr help really (: jiayou <3>
seow shan – we will all miss you a lot a lot a lot!!! But we shall not be selfish and keep you in yea : ( Moving you out of the patrol so you can stretch yr potential.I guess your new patrol will depend quite a lot on you so jia you okay! & pull the footdrills standard up please ! : D haha, though u may now have to sacrifice yr time & it may not be easy,I believe u can do it.
jolene- congrats.haha.i'm so proud man! sunflower has produce 2 more commanders! you must really work hard and pull up their standard okay? : D jiayou!peiyun- i'm sorry if i have not made you feel like this is yr own patrol.happy v belated bday.
& do come down for patrol meetings! : ) love!
stephanie- i dont know if u will see this. but yes,i m happy to see you leading yr patrol well. continue to jiayou k?: DD
shermaine – I believe u will make a really good PS. As fellow sunflowerer, I will really expect a lot from you. Do work well with danette & keep sunflower a lively patrol !
carol- woo hoo! Congrats!! Sunflower has produced a company leader!We are all quite proud of you (: work really hard & keep the company going!
sandra- thanks so much for yr help in invitation! thanks so much for coming down for patrol meetings,thanks for being sucha great junior.
Joanna- hello lively girl. haha you and yr clammy. you have been a really great junior and may you keep the sunny spirit! : )
nien ping,tabitha,wanting,dew- just when i got to know you all a little more,i have to leave. i know its sad that dew have to leave the patrol but you all still have long days ahead to talk and work tgth (: you all have been really enthu and all and i wanna say a BIG THANK YOU for that.continue pestering your seniors to blog and yes,i will be checking on the sunflower board every now and then. haha. & HAPPY ENROLMENT ! this is the the start of yr guiding life & may you enjoy yr times in guides !
dew- : (( we all know its cruel reality.Less than 24 hours as a sunflower guide ..i ve once been transferred and it may be hard to accept.but with time, I m sure you’ll adapt to your new patrol & have loads of fun too (: still, we’ll all miss you !
Once a sunflowerer, always a sunflowerer,
No matter where we go, what we become,
We are always together, always a cool n hip sunflowerer.
hello people,please treasure whats left of your guiding life.
Its really precious (:
patrol outing soon people,
we are gonna have the best times of our lives!
P.S happy birthday sandra n carol!
June 8, 2007
anyway,i did mention nienping and mindy's name.
sigh,never mind, your retiring patrol leader here shall remind all of you once again.
bread(country loaf,multi grain etc?)-tabitha
according to her"sotong balls,fishballs,all kinds of balls"-carol
sunflower seeds-wanting
CORNFLAKES+doritoes+wang wang(or the cheaper brand w e doll infront is better)-danette&jolene
fruits(pear,orange etc)-sandra & shermaine
nuggets or anything u can suggest-mindy
before you start accusing me again,seow shan ,steph & fangting cannot make it on that day : ((
The rest of you better keep wed,20th june 07 free!
we shall make this a really successful patrol outing ! : )
shall sms you all the details when the time draws near,in case other patrol starts stalking us.hahah.
we will be playing the luge ride (is it?) that will cost around 8 bucks.
i think slippers are okay ,t-shirts and shorts are fine.
those who dont have,please wear any orange shirt .
anyway, WHO HAVE THE PATROL LOGBOOK? yes,the patrol logbook exists! haha.
see you cool and hip people,
-retiring PL,

the past.
the present.(incomplete)
June 7, 2007
June 6, 2007
Andtoday, in the bus, we(me and np) saw LIUDI and np was calling her and she never hear. haha lol... but she was quite far away lah...
Pre camp training was okok loh. just that wehad to do 40 star jumps and 20 sit ups and 2 rounds . the star jumps were the worst... >.< Pitching tents are fun soyea...
June 4, 2007
how's the holidays? great? hmmm i can see that its been a long while since someone updated this blog... now that the tagboard's alive, i shall liven up the blog!(: patrol outing is coming! are we really going to sentosa? i thot jiayin says its too ex and too far? but oh wells, as long as its an outing its gonna be alright with me!(: hey and wearing any flip flops? u know all those rides there can make u lose your slippers, they'll drop down...hehe. orangy tees? are the sec ones getting all the same kinds/designs/types? dew has pointed out that jiayin missed out MINDY for the "what to bring" list! haha like me! can understand that she missed out mindy cos she's not there but how bout me? im there okay? haha. jiayin must be shocked that dew called her dracula. hahas.
and my sis's going to the campfire! argh! i dun want her to go! its frigging!
cheerios, enjoy holidays!
May 20, 2007
sunflower patrol's sec fours are the nicest can! they are uber super duper nice!
okayye! i want patrol outing! i need patrol outings! w/o them we can just sit and wait for our death!D: everythings depressing! even the songs! even all the faces i see! even the computer!D:
we shouldnt be like this...sunflower is a sunny flower! and i shall smile!((:
May 19, 2007
i must say i am really really slow! i did not realise that it was the last session with sec4s till liudi was sending np the photos! how stupid can i get??? gosh! anyway thank goodness there is patrol meeting on mon, and camp and the patrol outing!!! i think i'd just die if we didn't have them! ohya the modest dew forgot to say that she's a monitress! GO DEW! haha
nobody's posting so i shall post. Friday's guides session was saddening. so many people were crying. ): we shall miss the sec4s.
ON A HAPPIER NOTE, We had a NEGATIVE picture of them from liudi and (no offence) but jiayin looks like a dracula!! And mindy looks alien-isha and liudi just pure scary. haha... i'll try to post the pic asap. haha... it is not with me coz i'm in my dad's office office now and it is rather quiet and there is robots everywhere, in the human form. (: but i'm bored.... this computer won't let me play games and there is no MSN!! ):
haha, cheers
May 16, 2007
ok. english now. ourchinese so pro right?? haha. lol! english so much easier!! hahaha... friday got 听写and hist test!! SHIT LAH! haha.. nice font.haha all those above are posted by dew! actually our chinese sucks and this font is ugly!!! nien ping is crazy!! justnow she say is nice now she say is not! bad girl!! hahahahahah. ..
..o.0 i got no such lousy taste! BLEAH!
hahaha... is the fontnice? i think it is nice. so unique right?? everyone must post ar?? and add some nice nice pics!!
i know its very hard to read but dew say she dun care!! shes a bads girl!
nienping failed her english. dun mind her. ok
need to go now....
May 10, 2007
BUT seriously, I hav nth to post abt?! Okay, let me think of smth.. hm.. patrol outing? Are we seriously going Sentosa? Haha. Hope everyone will go, yea? And.. why don't we hav patrol meetings anymore?! Okay, crap, they are busy right.. Aiyo, nth to say.. :P
Okay, I've posted as requested and required..=) Let sunflowerers work towards their respective goals, yea? Like enrolment, bronze etc.. Haha. Jiayou! Oh, and the Sec1s are real enthu, keep it up! =) GO, SUNFLOWER!
May 8, 2007
jolene, sandra, carol, shermaine, pei yun! post!!! then we'll have a blog that is very alive! ohya and pin something on the board! (even thought there's no space) i think the old ones can be taken down to make room for new ones... and the swallow ppl mentioned sunflower on their board! haha
Dead Tired 'N' Weary, =))
Dew, Tabitha, Nienping and Wanting!
okay, anyway, I can't wait tiill the holidays... maybe we can have a patrol outing? *hint hint* The Sec 1s and 2s have never gone on a patrol outing.... and i am pretty sure the sec ones won't mind. Workload is a lot. sigh. i don't like work. i want to sleep. okay, I don't really have much to say and what i just wrote is nonsensical... so don't bother. Good luck and sec ones jia you! Sec 2s lets get our bronze! YAY! ok... Bye!! :)
~Joanna :)
April 29, 2007
YELLOW WON cheerleading and yellow was the most enthu!! yipee! i am seriously mad! i was there like super early! like 1pm! haha. oh and yellow was shouting the cheer when it started to rain (the part that goes hua lalalalalala xia yu liao..) it was so cool like some tribal rain dance or something! and the gwee dressed up like PCK haha she's great! sports day was so fun!! and i was wearing that stupid burger king crown with the raincoat. and i saw xinhui wearing it too! she looked quite cute (: and yellow's banner rocked! it was like standing while the rest fell!! hahahah. oh and i spotted some sunflowers again! first was on my friends tissue box (it is pink so i'm not really sure but my friend says is a sunflower) and there was one on the handout i got during church!
Okayye, nevermind. Hmmm…I cheered my guts out for blue…and I got a terrible sore throat! But it’s the experience that counts! My very first sports day in st nicks! Its kinda fun! Except that we have to sit on wet benches…and theres science lesson before the sports carnival actually begins! And look wad guides of one justice did:
April 28, 2007
due to multiple requests i suppose i shall post sth.oh well
i bet it is because me danette jolene AND peiyun werent there to cheer our guts out!hehe
how can they make all four of us do duty tgt on sports day??awww mannn
haha but its okay,i suppose we should not be selfish and keep hogging on to the trophy right?
lets get it back next year!:D
lets say i manage to remember and recognise all our sec ones!wonderful!as everyone can see,sunflower sec ones are super enthu!X)yay!
haha wellll shall stop here:)
April 24, 2007
YAY! the board AND blog is really alive now! yippy! nien ping's sunflower is nice and tabitha's card is CUTE! can'twait to see wanting's card.
Danette: the youtube video is really FUNNY and RETARDED! haha but cute also! the ballet wannabe referee is SIAO!
hahahaha... SEC 2s and SEC3s and SEC4s... POST MORE!!! then it will be more ALIVE and nice to visit!! ok?? haha
Ohh! The sec1s pinned stuff up man!! Yippee:) Oh and u shld seriously see the sunflower nienping drew! Really nice esp the shading MISS GWEE HAS DONE WELL... haha but it's really really nice la. And wanting is pinning up her's tml YAY go and see and admire... joking la And dew's one is nice too:) aha artistic SEC1S:D three cheers for sunflower man! SUnflower rocks rocks rocks! LALALALALA i'm feeling happy YAY!
April 23, 2007
i think i only posted a few times.hmm i think i shall try to post more and do something for the board.the sec ones make me feel like i never do anything,which is quite true haha.and i think i should do something cos jiayin boxed up my name there on the ya i shall do something
thankyou sec ones,especially tabitha and nien ping,for livening up the blog!on the board too!the sunflower is really nice=)keep it up while i try to jiayou..oh ya please write your name at the end of each post,so we will know who posted it.thanks!
hee go watch this.its super retarded haha its seriously dumb.especially that guy kicking about on the floor.haha oops i think im being dumb too.and this retarded ballerina-wannabe-referee its dumb too!=)hee
Okay i'm seriously freaked out! I've been seeing sunflowers almost everywhere man! The book my mom was reading had sunflowers, the shirt my frined was wearing had loads of sunflowers, and even the tissue packet my friend was carrying had a huge sunflower on it! Oh my gosh this is really freaky! Hahhahahaha. Okay never mind. The sunflowers are lucky signs! Oh and nien ping's bring a fake sunflower to school!! HAHA
sunflower is sooooo WONDERFUL!
the sec1s are apparently on a blogging spree! yipeee:)) yay the blog's so alive now! how wonderful right?? okay i'm being really retarded but i don't care cos sunflower's the best! yippe oh and here's a really weird limerick
there once was a lady from leeds
who ate a whole packet of seeds
in less than an hour
her nose was a SUNFLOWER
and her head was all covered in weeds:)
POOR lady but she shld be happy she has a SUNFLOWER on her nose man!! hahaha i know i'm weird but never mind! i'm just feeling too high. even though i have tons of uncompleted homework. even though i still have third lang. even though i'm going to have a test on a holiday. even though i'm feeling not so high anymore. booo to homework and tests and third lang! okay better stop here b4 u also get reminded of more disgusting things.
April 22, 2007
April 21, 2007
So where are we going for patrol outing? And when? And are we having any patrol tee? Other patrols had theirs made and I want mine!((:
and has anyone seen the nice sunflower that Tabitha drew? Its on the board! And there’s a stupid mistake on it! Its kinda small but I think its quite prominent!((: oh wells, so hope no one can find it! Hoho.
Okay! I miss patrol meetings! The sec fours are going to step down earlier than I thought!:( oh wells…hope another great person like me can come and blog somemore! Liven up this blog! Or else I’m going to post crap here!
And this week was super tough! Four test in a week! Haiz…but its finally over! * Phew! * I’m relieved! And there’s the stupid 2.4km test next week and on the first day of school and we’ll be wearing the family tee? Or wadever its called. It would be so super hot then…sigh…I am afraid I would fail! And then need to retake! I just hope I can pass! All I want is to pass! That’s all! Nothing much! I dunwan a gold or anything else!
i love 1.6km now! This is torturous! I hate napfa! But be positive its going to be over! Oh well! Good luck to everyone for 2.4! maybe our patrol has a sports girl or something! I need to build up my stamina! Seriously!
I am going to write super long here since jiayin told me to post a long long post…hmmm oh wells…there’s only three days of school next week! And there’s no guides!)):
we’ve like missed so many guides sessions alr! Like three or four?! I hate public holidays that falls on a Friday! Rahs!
And good luck to all sec ones –including me- for enrolment tests! Pass soon and get enrolled faster! I can’t wait to wear the uniform!
Okay so its up till here!
-We shall let our sunny rays light up the world!-